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Thu 4 Jul 2024 09:00
Fri 5 Jul 2024 17:00
Tweedaags internationaal jaarcongres over New Business Models, dit jaar in Mondragon, Spanje. Een onderzoeksgroep van Noorden Duurzaam en RuG presenteert een paper over visualiseren van productketens door productraden.

Abstract: In this paper we address the question how visualisation enables cooperation around multiple value creation and transition towards sustainable regional development. We present the modelling tool CEVIS (Circular Economy Visualisation) for circular economy initiatives in a regional context. This instrument is intended to bring together representatives of societal sectors parties around the topic of multiple value creation. In case of large-scale application through proliferation of its use, it could provide a means for scaling up circular initiatives. The modelling tool deliberately takes an ecosystem perspective on circular economy developments, through (1) visualisation of circular product flows in an economic system, (2) identification of involved actors, and (3) highlighting multiple value creation.
